What is Diversity Training?

Diversity training in the workplace is a program designed to help employees become more aware of diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace.


What is diversity training?

Diversity training in the workplace is a program designed to help employees become more aware of diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace. Diversity training usually starts with helping employees to become more aware of their own beliefs on diversity.

In the diversity training employees also learn skills that will help them interact, collaborate and work more successfully in diverse teams  - with employees with varying characteristics, such as people of a different race, gender, ethnicity, age, physical abilities, language, culture, religion, veteran status, sexual orientation, education, nationality, etc. 

Why is diversity training important?

Workplace diversity is not just the right, humane thing to do - it has tangible and direct benefits. Companies that have greater workplace diversity outperform their competitors and achieve higher profits!

This is why implementing diversity training in your company is a smart business decision!

Workplace diversity training

Learn more about workplace diversity

If you want to learn more about workplace diversity, you'll love our diversity guides:

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