What is Agile Organization?

An agile organization is a term applied to organizations which are quick in responding to changes in the marketplace or environment. 

what is agile organization

Agile organization definition

An agile organization is a term applied to organizations which are quick in responding to changes in the marketplace or environment. The agile organization is focused on its customer's needs which call for customized rather than standardized offerings.

A highly agile organization uses advanced processes, tools, and training which enable successful reactions to the emergence of new competitors, rapid advancements in technology and sudden shifts in overall market conditions. They commonly thrive in non-hierarchical organizations without a single point of control.

General traits of agile organizations

1. They are made up of skillful, self-awared individuals who are also great team players

2. Their leaders inspire others without losing the cohesion within the entire system

3. Their organization is based on continuous learning from experiments

4. They use an open communication style such as collaboration and sharing

5. They focus on long-term business value

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