Email to referred candidates template

This template for email to referred candidates can be use when you have an open job positions that are hard to fill. Improve your hiring process by optimizing emails sent to referred candidates. When putting together this email to referred candidates, we have used some best practices in order to improve you email response rate.

Sales hiring referral email

How to send emails to referred candidates?

Being transparent and fast are some of the most important factors of a successful employee referral program. When your employee refers a candidate, it is important to, as soon as possible, send emails to both employees and referred candidates.
Use this email template to connect with the referred candidate for the first time. It should be the mirror of your company and organisational culture.
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Template for email to referred candidates

Dear [FirstName],
We love asking our own employees to refer awesome people to fill our open positions. Yesterday, we have asked our employee [employee name] to suggest someone she knows for [position], and he/she suggested you!
[Employee name] thinks that you would be a good fit for this position as well as our company culture. That being said, I wanted to reach our to you directly, and ask you if this is something you would be interested in?
If so, I will send you all the details about the position and our company.
I am looking forward to gear back from you.
Best regards,

Need more HR and recruiting templates like this Email to referred candidates? Check templates for Human Resources and email templates for Recruiters.

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