Referral request from Alumni template

Requesting referrals from Alumni is a recruiting strategy that many companies don't use. The ones that do, however, see it as very valuable method for filling open job positions.

referral request email to alumni

How to request referrals from Alumni?

As many of you already know, Employee Referral Programs are one of the best ways for recruiting new candidates and filling open positions. Referred candidates are most affordable to hire, they take shortest to hire and they are best quality hires. 

requesting referrals from alumni

However, for many companies, the only source of referees are current employees. In addition to current employees, you should also consider your alumni, especially if you have build good relationships with them. 

Your alumni probably have connections in their networks that could be good fit for your company.

Template for referral request from alumni

Subject Line: Dear Alumni, we need your help!

Dear [company name] Alumni,

I hope all is well!

We are currently looking for a person who would be a good fit for our [position] open position. If you know someone who would be a good fit for this position and for our company's culture, please send them our way :)

If you have someone on mind, please provide following info:

  • Person's name and last time? 
  • How do you know the person?
  • What position do you think this person would be a good fit for?
  • What is the person's expertise and most valuable skills for our company?
  • Why do you think this person would be a good fit for us?

I am sure some of you have at least one person in your network who would be a great addition to our team!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at any time!

Thank you all for your help!

[Your name]


Need more HR and recruiting templates like this Ask employees for referrals email template? Check templates for Human Resources and templates for Recruiters.

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