What is Job Requirements?

Job requirements are “must haves” that an employer is looking for in a candidate for a certain job position. Job requirements aren’t just a list of specific qualifications, education, knowledge and skills needed for a particular position. They are a great opportunity to showcase your Employer Brand and company culture and attract the best candidates!


Job requirements definition

Job requirements are qualifications and skills necessary for a certain position.

Job requirements are usually written in form of a list that contains the most important qualifications that a candidate must possess in order to be able to perform certain job duties.

These qualifications include:

  • Work experience - types and amounts (years) of work experience
  • Skills (soft skills and/or technical skills)
  • Specific knowledge
  • Education level and type
  • Professional licenses, accreditations and certifications
  • Personal qualities and attributes
  • Languages
  • Physical abilities.


In short… Job requirements are “must haves” that an employer is looking for in a candidate for a certain job position.  

Importance of job requirements

Job requirements are a crucial part of both job descriptions and job postings (job ads).

They are equally important for both employers and job seekers.

For employers

Employer use job requirements as a way of preselecting potential candidates.

Job requirements are used to communicate employer’s expectations from job seekers.

By laying out clearly defined job requirements, employers can attract the right type of candidates. Over or under qualified candidates will be turned away from applying, thus saving employers a lot of time and money in the long run.

For job seekers

For job seekers, job requirements are the crucial part of job postings (job ads).

Job requirements section of the job ads clearly states what an employer is looking for. That way, potential candidates can know what is required of them before applying.

If they match all the job requirements criteria, it means they are a good fit for a job.

How to write great job requirements?

Check out our guide for writing job requirements. It contains everything you need to know about job requirements plus a selection of the best and worst examples

Job requirement synonyms

Job requirements are also known as:

  • Selection criteria
  • Prerequisites
  • Qualifications

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