What is Active Job Searching?

Active job searching occurs when someone is currently seeking a new job and is putting time and effort into finding one.

what is active job searching

Definition of active job searching 

Active job searching occurs when someone is currently seeking a new job and is putting time and effort into finding one.

The reasons behind it may vary, from not having a job to wanting a better/more challenging job, change of industry etc. The point is that a candidate isn't just passively clicking on job adds that occasionally pop up but is actively putting effort into the pursuit for a job.

Steps for active job searching

  1. Marketing materials: create your professional resume, prepare a portfolio of your best relevant work and establish your ‘elevator pitch’.
  2. Build your resume and cover letter: tailor your cover letter so you set yourself up as the solution to a prospective employer's problem as defined in the job description. Only mention what's relevant to the specific job you're applying for.
  3. Redesign your online brand: update profiles and resumes on sites where you are marketing yourself for employment opportunities.
  4. Create a plan: create a routine in which you utilize avenues such as networking contacts and online resources to heighten your search.

From active job search to proactive job search

In order to increase your chances for employment even more upgrade your active job search to proactive job search, which means that in addition to sending resumes to companies that have job openings, you call a company, even if it doesn't have an opening, and introduce yourself and inquire about future openings. 

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