
Best of HR Blogs: March 2019

Anja Zojceska | HR Trends | Best HR Blogs | April 18, 2019

This list of 5 best HR blogs published in March 2019 will get you up to date with the latest trends and insights in Human Resources. If you’re an HR professional looking for a stimulating read, these blog posts are your perfect choice.


Best of HR blogs in March 2019

We really love finding interesting, educational and entertaining content about Human Resources

In March 2019 we scoured the web and read many great blogs that cover the latest HR trends, insights and useful information for HR professionals. 

Here is our selection of the top 5 HR blog posts published in March 2019. 

In these blog posts you will discover:

So make yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea, sit down, relax and enjoy your reading! ☕ 📚 🤓


Best HR blog post about team management:
From Storming to High-Performing: The Meeting That Saved Our Team



Why you should read it:

If your team effectiveness is in the gutter and you’re struggling to manage your team, this blog post is a must read! 

Officevibe’s team shared a difficult experience that they had on their real life team, and the medley of solutions they used to overcome it.

Written from a personal perspective, this blog post offers a useful tips that will help your team climb out of the trenches of the storming, conflict phase and become a high-performing team.

Our favorite quote:

“At the base of every successful company and high performance team are people and the magic they create when they work together successfully.”


Best HR blog post about employee onboarding:
7 Companies That Crushed Their New Hire Video



Why you should read it:

Are you using videos for onboarding new hires

With more Millennials and Gen Z taking roles in the workplace, a group of people who prefer content delivered by video, it’s important to include this element in your onboarding strategy.

In this blog post, you’ll find examples of onboarding videos from companies like Canva, Atlassian, Hubspot and Dropbox.

Read this blog and get inspired to create your own new hire culture videos to introduce your next new hire to the organization!

Our favorite quote:

“Instead of plunking a handbook down in front of new hires at orientation, giving them an interactive presentation of the foundations of the company is far more impactful.”


Best HR blog post about employee recognition:
How To Conquer High Turnover Using Authentic Recognition



Why you should read it:

Many management professionals often have the right intentions but don't know how to recognize their staff in the right ways.

In this article, you’ll find great tips you can use today to build a strong culture of recognition and reduce turnover.

Companies that scored in the top 20% for building a "recognition-rich culture" actually had 31% lower voluntary turnover rates, according to Bersin’s research.

Our favorite quote:

“Employee recognition should be a fun process. Think about ways that you can bring an element of joy and entertainment to your employee recognition efforts. What can you do to make your team smile?” 


Best HR blog post about cool tools:
Top 5 Productivity Tools for Recruiters


Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Why you should read it:

In the current business ecosystem, competition is tough, and recruitment are no exception. 

The great part is that the efficiency of our work can be considerably improved by using the right type of HR software.

If you want to make your life easier and work more productive, you should definitely check out this blog post!

By implementing the recommended apps into your workflow, you’ll quickly achieve more significant results in a matter of days.

Our favorite quote:

“Disclaimer: The tools presented in this article are based on the author's research from online sources and personal connections aimed at recruiters "with any background and budget on mind.“


Best HR blog post about remote work:
Six Benefits of a Remote Workforce



Why you should read it:

There has been much debate about whether employees are more productive when they work from home or not. 

For employers, remote work has historically implied increased challenges in managing teams, such as tracking productivity and having a unified company culture. 

But for 87% of employees, flexibility has become a driving factor in their satisfaction with work – and happy employees make for a hardworking, loyal workforce.

Still on the fence about remote work? Read this blog post! 

Our favorite quote:

“A Stanford study revealed that employees who worked from home were in fact more productive than their counterparts in the office. They took shorter breaks, had fewer sick days, and took less time off with more flexible schedules.”

Best of the best HR blogs in March 2019

Which one among these 5 blog posts did you find most useful and interesting

What other great HR blog posts published in March have your read? 🤓 

Best of the best HR blogs in April 2019

If you come across a great HR blog post during April (or you’ve written one - don’t be shy 😊) - let us know

Feel free to contact us via email: [email protected]

We’d love to check your HR article out and maybe even feature it our next month’s “Best of the HR blogs in April 2019” blog post! 🙂

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Further reading

Your hiring teammate

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