What is Work trials?

Work trial refers to a period of trying out a potential employee before offering them a job contract. It allows employers to get to know the potential employee and find out how he or she will be able to handle their job responsibilities.


Work trials definition

Work trial refers to a period of trying out a potential employee before offering them a job contract. It allows employers to get to know the potential employee and find out how he or she will be able to handle their job responsibilities. They provide a risk-free way of testing people in real-life environments prior to the actual employment.

Work trial period is most commonly mutually-agreed-upon beforehand and lowers the amount of needed paperwork in case employer doesn’t find the employee in question to be job adequate.

Work trial policies and laws differ around the world and can range from optional to mandatory and last between a couple of weeks to several months. They can also be paid or volunteered depending on the country.

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