What is Inbound Recruiting?

Inbound Recruiting is a method of creating targeted, branded content for your recruiting center specifically for the purpose of increasing your Employer Brand recognition and candidate engagement with future hires.


Inbound Recruiting Definition

Inbound Recruiting follows the famous Inbound Marketing strategy; a technique for drawing customers to products and services via recruiting content marketing, social media marketing and search engine optimization.

The goal of Inbound Recruiting strategy is to engage qualified candidates and convert them into job applicants to expand talent pools.

Inbound Recruiting is a term used to describe how newest marketing methodologies are used in the world of recruiting and Talent Acquisition.

Importance of Inbound Recruiting 

Since recruiting is becoming more and more like marketing, recruiters have realized that, in order to hire best talent and stay competitive, they have to start using Recruitment Marketing software to hire talented people.

Similar to buyer's journey, job seekers go through candidate journey when looking for jobs. Compared to few years ago, it is not enough to post jobs on job boards and wait for candidates to apply. Demand for talented people is much higher than supply, and this is why “War for Talent” has emerged.

Only companies with competitive advantages will be able to attract best people, and they are doing that through Inbound marketing methods and strategies.

The main idea of this methodology is to engage and build relationships with candidates, to communicate your Employer Brand and Employee Value Proposition at every touch-point with candidates.

Many HR Professionals believe having a successful Inbound Recruiting strategy will become a must for successful recruiting and hiring.

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