General Counsel Interview Questions

The goal for a successful interview for a General Counsel is to identify a candidate who possesses excellent legal knowledge, strategic thinking abilities, and strong communication skills.

Situational interview questions

  • Your company is facing a lawsuit that could be extremely damaging. What steps would you take to mitigate the potential damages and find a resolution?
  • One of your company's partners accuses your CEO of fraud. How would you handle the situation, ensuring the CEO is protected and justice is served?
  • One of your company's clients is threatening to take their business elsewhere due to a dispute over contractual obligations. What steps would you take to resolve the issue and retain the client's business?
  • Your company is considering investing in a new technology that may infringe on an existing patent. How would you approach the situation to ensure the investment is legal and ethical?
  • Your company's Board of Directors is divided on a major legal decision. What steps would you take to help them reach a resolution that is in the best interests of the company?

Soft skills interview questions

  • How do you balance being assertive and approachable as a GC when communicating with various stakeholders across the organization?
  • Can you provide an example of a time when you effectively navigated a disagreement with a client or colleague using your communication and negotiation skills?
  • How do you prioritize conflicting demands on your time and make sure you are able to manage your workload effectively as a GC?
  • Can you describe a complex issue that you successfully addressed by collaborating with individuals with diverse perspectives and expertise to reach a solution?
  • What steps do you take to ensure that you are fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment within your legal team, particularly during challenging or high-stress situations?

Role-specific interview questions

  • What specific legal challenges have you faced when implementing data privacy policies for multinational corporations?
  • How do you navigate and communicate legal risks related to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain?
  • Can you walk us through your experience in managing high-stakes litigation, including any notable cases you have led?
  • How would you advise our company on ensuring compliance with antitrust laws, particularly given our position in a heavily regulated industry?
  • What is your approach to negotiating complex commercial contracts, and how have you ensured that your clients' interests are protected in these transactions?

STAR interview questions

1. Can you describe a situation where you had to provide legal guidance on a complex corporate legal matter?

Situation: Provide legal guidance on a complex corporate legal matter.

Task: Responsibilities were to analyze the legal matter, provide legal advice and guidance to stakeholders, and review and draft legal documents.

Action: Conducted legal research, analyzed legal documents, consulted with other legal experts, and provided comprehensive legal advice to stakeholders.

Result: Successfully provided sound legal guidance that resulted in a favorable outcome for the company and its stakeholders.

2. Can you walk us through a situation where you had to negotiate a difficult legal contract?

Situation: Negotiate a difficult legal contract.

Task: Responsibilities were to draft and review legal clauses, negotiate terms with opposing parties, and ensure all legal requirements were met.

Action: Conducted research on the opposing party, identified negotiation strategies, drafted legal clauses, engaged in negotiations, and consulted with relevant stakeholders.

Result: Achieved a successful negotiation result that reduced risks and improved the company's position on the contract.

3. Can you tell us about a time when you managed a complex litigation case?

Situation: Manage a complex litigation case.

Task: Responsibilities were to handle all legal aspects of the case, manage external legal teams, and provide regular updates to the senior management.

Action: Conducted legal research, developed legal strategies, managed multiple legal teams, attended court hearings, and provided regular updates to the senior management.

Result: Successfully managed the litigation case, minimized risks and liabilities for the company, and achieved a favorable outcome.

4. Can you discuss a situation where you had to provide legal advice to senior management on a sensitive legal matter?

Situation: Provide legal advice to senior management on a sensitive legal matter.

Task: Responsibilities were to understand the sensitivity of the matter, provide legal advice to senior management, and ensure all legal requirements were met.

Action: Conducted extensive legal research and analysis, consulted with other legal experts, provided legal guidance, and ensured compliance with all legal requirements.

Result: Provided sound legal advice that resulted in the successful resolution of the sensitive legal matter, and the company's reputation was preserved.

5. Can you share a situation where you had to ensure legal compliance on a large acquisition deal?

Situation: Ensure legal compliance on a large acquisition deal.

Task: Responsibilities were to provide legal guidance on the acquisition deal, conduct legal due diligence, identify and mitigate legal risks, and ensure legal compliance.

Action: Conducted legal due diligence, identified legal risks, developed legal strategies, negotiated legal terms, and ensured legal compliance.

Result: Successfully ensured legal compliance and minimized legal risks related to the acquisition deal, and the acquisition was completed within the legal framework.

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