
Best of HR Blogs: August 2018

Kristina Martic | HR Trends | Best HR Blogs | September 04, 2018

This list of 5 best HR blogs published in August 2018 will get you up to date with the latest trends and insights in Human Resources. If you’re an HR professional looking for a stimulating read, these blog posts are your perfect choice.


Best of HR blogs in August 2018

We really love finding interesting, educational and entertaining content about Human Resources.

In August 2018 we scoured the web and read many great blogs that cover the latest HR trendsinsights and useful information for HR professionals.

Here is our selection of the top 5 HR blog posts published in August 2018.

In these blog posts you will learn:

So make yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea, sit down, relax and enjoy your reading! ☕ 📚 🤓!

Best-of-HR Blogs-August-2018-Boon

Best HR blog post about employee referrals:
Dakota Younger explains the psychology behind referral programs [PODCAST]

Source: Boon

Why you should read it:

You’ve heard it a million times - employee referral are one of the best and most productive recruitment methods. Employee referral programs can improve the time, cost and quality of hire.

However, getting referrals from your employees requires setting up a structured employee referral program. Many companies simply ask their employees for referrals, and that is one of the main reasons why some employee referral programs fail. 😮

If you want to learn more about building effective employee referral programs, this podcast is for you. In this podcast, Dakota Younger, founder and CEO of Boon, explains the psychological barriers to building an effective referral program and how to overcome them. 💪

Our favorite quote:

“It seems that everyone thinks that referrals are such an easy thing to do. But if you look at any statistics on this, it’s clearly not just providing the ability for someone to send the referral. There are a lot of elements at play here.”

Best-of-HR Blogs-August-2018-Honestly

Best HR blog post on employee productivity:
9 Unusual Ideas to Increase Employee Productivity

Source: Honestly

Why you should read it:

This is a great read for everyone asking themselves questions like:

In short - yes, yes and it's very important! If you utilize the right productivity and engagement strategies, of course.

In this blog post, you will find some of the best ideas to increase employee productivity and engagement. 🏆

Our favorite quote:

“Managers today understand that people’s work output is affected by many factors beyond earning a good salary in exchange for time. In fact, productivity is higher among engaged employees. Therefore, it makes no sense to address productivity without thinking of employee engagement and vice-versa.”

Best-of-HR Blogs-August-2018-HireVue

Best HR blog post about workforce planning:
How to Perform a Talent Market Analysis with Publicly Available Data

Source: HireVue 

Why you should read it:

When it comes to workforce planning, you need to understand how your internal talent demands compare to the external talent supply.

Understanding the talent marketplace is crucial for both budgeting and developing recruiting strategy.

In this blog, you’ll learn how to analyze the market of available talent for a specific job role. We love this blog because it offers ready to use, practical advice. It also illustrates the whole process of analyzing a talent market with an example of the talent market for customer service representatives in financial services.🧐

Our favorite quote:

“When you have this data on hand, it's also much easier to sell new recruiting initiatives. While you might just confirm your existing hunches, the data makes your case more convincing to skeptical stakeholders.”

Best-of-HR Blogs-August-2018-Smarp

Best HR blog post about internal content hub:
How an Internal Content Hub Helps Your Business Grow

Source: Smarp

Why you should read it:

Do you know what is an internal content hub?

An internal content hub is a tool that enables employers and employees to communicate with each other better, become more aware of industry and company knowledge, and develop both personal brands and company brands.

When an internal content hub comes with an external sharing feature, it can also be used for employee advocacy and social recruiting. Sounds interesting, right? 😮

If you’re interested to learn more about how can internal content hub help your business grow, check out this blog post! 💪

Our favorite quote:

“When employees share content to their personal networks, the reach is 561% higher than when the message is shared through official brand accounts. The content shared by employees also creates 8 times more engagement than brands’ social media channels.“

Best-of-HR Blogs-August-2018-SkillScout

Best HR blog post about attracting candidates:
Top 10 Job Videos

Source: Skill Scout 

Why you should read it:

If you’re having a hard time attracting top talent for your open positions, you should read this blog post.

If you aren’t already using them, you should think about utilizing job videos. Videos are engaging and bring the position to life, showing your company’s culture and values.

In this blog post, you will find 10 of the best job videos to help inspire you to create your own.

Our favorite quote:

“Did you know that video job ads are viewed 46% more than one-dimensional job descriptions? Not only that, but job posts get 36% more applications if accompanied by a recruiting video.”

Best of the best HR blogs in August 2018

Which one among these 5 blog posts did you find most useful and interesting?

What other great HR blog posts published in August have your read? 🤓

Coming soon: Best of the best HR blogs in September 2018

If you come across a great HR blog post during September (or you’ve written one - don’t be shy 😊) - let us know!

We’d love to check it out and maybe even feature it our next month’s “Best of the HR blogs in September 2018” blog post! 🙂

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